What's in the Goulash?

What's in the Goulash?
A mixture of different artists stirred in a pot and coming out mmm... mmmmmm delicious

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So the Philadelphia con was a huge learning experience in a business way. Adama and Colonel Tigh were at the convention. The Xion Group sketchbooks came out, and they turned out pretty well. On Sunday, GU had a battle royal draw off among all its members: Tess, Elisa, Henry, Xavier, Sean, and Jerald. The battles were intense with the first round being 30 mins and the second round 45 mins. The drawings turned out incredible from all the participants, thus making the judging very difficult. Both rounds involved drawing the GU mascot characters in some way. At the end of it all, the graceful art stylings of Elisa won the art royal rumble against her studio mates = ) It was a fantasic battle session and congradulations go to her.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Mysteryman III design work...

Ok, for those of you who don't know... League of Defenders is a superhero team comic I've been working on for the last year or so. Its still in the developemental stages and I've been very secretive about the designs. That makes me look like I'm not up to anything, so I'm breaking the silence. Here is a chibi version of Mysteryman III. He's kind of like Batman, so I went with the Gotham Nights color scheme. Also, I've always wanted to use that "big spooky eyes" element that Spider-man has, but its like impossible to use that without people thinking your character is actually Spider-man. I wonder if that's what it was like when someone made a character with a cape back in the 40s... Anyway, the second pic has a sketch of a way I might try to avoid that problem. On both designs, the eyes would be black, so I thought maybe if I added another element including black on the mask (the cheeks) it would make the mask look a bit more like a skull. Transversly, I could change the eyes altogether. what do you guys think?

Zatanna?! Who draws her?!

So, I've been trying to work on some comic art sample pages to finally get that portfolio going. Sample scripts are hard to come by these days. I found Some ametuer scripts for Spider-man Loves Mary Jane, and Zatanna featuring Hellblazer (I think its so cool to have Zatanna and Constantine in the same continuity). Started sketching what I thought they should look like. Mary Jane, it turns out, is hard to make younger. She has all these intricate facial details that make her look mature.

Monday, June 15, 2009

You don't need to be a man to enjoy MANWICH you don't need to be a witch either its true


Nettie Boop

A picture I did for a Friend of mind whossss really into bettie boop and has head just as big :D....I'm still trying to figure out what to do for the background

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wizard O' OZ

Many thanks to Bert for gettin me amped up by showing his Wizard Of Oz piece....it made me finally start to work on mine again

Wicked Witch


Add ImageDorthy, C.Lion, Toto

Tin Man

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I know you guys love drawing!

I never get to post on here much, But my buddy is doing trophy's for this and I know u guys like drawing comic book stuff.

draw submit and win some $'s!



Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Late, yes but what else is new, 2 reasons I posted so long after my friends,
i hate my scanner
and what i will say is the main reason is that i wanted to give you all something to come back to, as goulash has gotten cold and even though bertius definatly warmed it up and then steve shoveled some coal onto that fire with his nightmare, it has gone cold again. so by staggering my post there is some much needed activity, since i am no blogger and i can not type creativly on to my post and hopefully more to come.