What's in the Goulash?

What's in the Goulash?
A mixture of different artists stirred in a pot and coming out mmm... mmmmmm delicious

Monday, June 22, 2009

Zatanna?! Who draws her?!

So, I've been trying to work on some comic art sample pages to finally get that portfolio going. Sample scripts are hard to come by these days. I found Some ametuer scripts for Spider-man Loves Mary Jane, and Zatanna featuring Hellblazer (I think its so cool to have Zatanna and Constantine in the same continuity). Started sketching what I thought they should look like. Mary Jane, it turns out, is hard to make younger. She has all these intricate facial details that make her look mature.


Bit-Sake said...

These are nice but nit picking i like my zatanna more sultry/seductive looking and the hellblazer feels more like dracula

conceptgoulash said...

Good sketches! I like ur zatanna, no need to make her a cover girl for maxium mag-(Sorry but the Don Scorpio, needs to put down the mags n cancel the porn sites-its distorting his outlook on female creativity-LOL ;P.

Anyway, i do agree on the Hellblazer
look though. Feels like a retro vampire hired by the mob. Designs is
cool, but no constantine.

Keep flushing them out!!!


Unknown said...

nice. your dude makes smoking look cool.