What's in the Goulash?

What's in the Goulash?
A mixture of different artists stirred in a pot and coming out mmm... mmmmmm delicious

Thursday, November 13, 2008

rabbit hole stage.02


Here's the half colored version i did today ^^;; Still need A LOT of work. Well this is suppose to be only the color study, I don't know why I'm spending so much time one it. I will be repainting it on canvas or wood.

btw..is everyone okay if I add myself as another publisher? It gets confusing signing in different accounts just to post something in various blogspot pages.



conceptgoulash said...

This is only half-colored? Had me fooled, it's quite beastly for a color study. Love the jam, the tvs, and the girl with her accessories came out well. Nice rendering on the hair.

What was this for, btw? For fun?

Oh yeah, u can use your reg account to log in.

Mr. J

Pinkimoon said...


yeah I'm still missing the detailing on the bookshelf and the image that is suppose to be on the tv screen and a better rendering for the skin texture etc. etc. etc. ^^;;

This is suppose a sketch sample of what I'm painting on canvas but I got sucked in. Also acting as how the final finish would be. That's why I never really had color studies b/c I always full render them.

2 of my friends and I are planning to have a gallery show and this is suppose to be the one of the piece. It's still missing the metal plates and wire weaving that I didn't add in yet. =P

So technically...1/2 done and 9 1/2 left to go.

Bit-Sake said...

Adding yourself as another publisher would be fine and yes stop working on the study so that we may see the finished piece "rubs hands together"

conceptgoulash said...

Love the hair texture. Color for the jam are good, but seem to warm for the overal mood. Maybe a cold green jam? Just a thought. Keep it up looking good.