What's in the Goulash?

What's in the Goulash?
A mixture of different artists stirred in a pot and coming out mmm... mmmmmm delicious

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Animation linkuuuuuuuu!

So while waiting on yet another new scanner, I've been killing time catching up on movies. The new Miyazaki film "Ponyo on the cliff by the sea" was brilliant. I got to talking about it on drawingboard.org and posted the trailer, and a Ghibli museum short... I don't know how to link videos on blogspot, so just use this "NEW GHIBLI STUFF"

I'm watching the new Star Wars movie, and replying to this guy about Ponyo when I stumbled on to this "WTF?!?"
I'm sure Herny brought this G.I.Joe thing up in a jumbled conversation about webcomics and butt-jigglin', but who knew it could actually look good?

-Bee See


1 comment:

Bit-Sake said...

Awesome It looks even better than I imagined