What's in the Goulash?

What's in the Goulash?
A mixture of different artists stirred in a pot and coming out mmm... mmmmmm delicious

Friday, November 7, 2008


Okay, so, I was colouring this image and the Don Scorpio, aka, Le Scorpio EW!!!>_<, was like, you should make it into Storm and I was like, STFU! Then, No, wait, you have a good idea. Nice job, young man. FAF! True story!
Anyway, here it is, done. I had fun drawing it. (I like the coat, but it isn't the one I am looking for. Yo, if anyone of yous knows the name of the coat that Sarah Palin was always wearing, the one with the strap that ties it in the middle, please let me know.)



Seanime said...

I love the way you used the black and flat colors, keep up the good work!

Bit-Sake said...

Excellent job on this my only crit is the angle o the headband looks like its cutting into her forehead...other than that great job Tiss

conceptgoulash said...

Awesome. I always love the way you fuse fashion into your illustrations.

Mr. J