What's in the Goulash?

What's in the Goulash?
A mixture of different artists stirred in a pot and coming out mmm... mmmmmm delicious

Monday, October 13, 2008

Chicks with Guns!

Sorry henry. After we all agreed that guns are cliche i found myself sketching this the other day and had to share....

ink, colored pencil, and rice crispy square


W. Jones said...

Nice Sarah Palin piece.
Ba-dum bum, tssss

Just kidding nice piece. I like your use of color except the image feels a little monotoned. If that's what you where going for then you pulled it off.


Jae Sahm said...

I love how you whimsically call this a sketch. It's like you just had a spare 10, 15 minutes and cranked this out. lol. Oh you probably did, but I guess I'm the only one who'll find that funny.

As for the whole monotone thing, I would say it captures the whole wilderness look. So kudos.

Bit-Sake said...

Lol all is forgiven Inko especially on a piece like this...great color choice, excellent detail and just well drawn altogether..2 questions though..what inspired u to do a hunting piece...2 what part did the rice crispy treat take part in the drawing ;)

McInko said...

Thanks guys. The cripsy square is what took it from a sketch to an ink jobber. Like a stale second wind.