What's in the Goulash?

What's in the Goulash?
A mixture of different artists stirred in a pot and coming out mmm... mmmmmm delicious

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sketch Battle @ 23:00hr

Hello everyone, once again a mighty sketch-battle has commenced.
It was between Mr.Madman Mcinko and his trusty bootineer, BERTIUS.

Title: Weiner-dog sandwiches as a video game (Cover box art).
Time: 1 hour.
Medium: Whateva we wanted.



Yes! That's right, clever we were.
Funny though, because steve and I went completely opposite points of the spectrum for our snappy title, which is very cool.

I was thinking food, he was thinking doggie.
Technically, I was in the wrong of the title, but hey -it was fun :).

This is why the great and mysterious way of the sketch-battles aurora can be fulfilling. You never know how it will be preceived in the minds of its hosts.

Feel free to take a stab at the battle yourself!

Enjoy it.


1 comment:

Bit-Sake said...

Damn You Guys I gotta get in on this