What's in the Goulash?

What's in the Goulash?
A mixture of different artists stirred in a pot and coming out mmm... mmmmmm delicious

Friday, September 19, 2008

Here are a few more :P

My Wife is a Gangster - This poster kicks so much ass. The RBW scheme is really intense.
Interview With the Vampire - This poster really captures the subtlety of the movie with the thin serif font and the earthtones... Pay no attention to the HUGE Tom Cruise in the background. A star of that calibre needed top billing for a role like this.
Harry Potter 5 - This poser is EXACTLY as spooky as the book reads. I think it hit fans a lot harder than the people who hadn't read the books, but I can't be sure.
Old Boy - This one's brilliant. I wonder how the designer explain the layout... "Well, I want to have the title in the middle of the poster, but vertically so it leads your eye down to the actors".
Batman Mask of the first good superhero movie - I just like the way the negative space between the masks makes a sort of batman silouhette. Also, I think this is the only batman movie that doesn't use the logo... Like, you're supposed to like it even if you're not a fan of Batman.
Who framed Roger Rabbit - Another one that's just layed out cool/
Amelie - vibrant color balance without being abrasive. Also...Audrey Tatou's adorable.
Fight Club - This poster's really cool, but becomes ten times cooler after you see the movie. I didn't read the book until way later, so I wonder how the fans felt when they saw this for the first time.

Ok, whose gonna do Transformers? :)

Brianliscious (Style's too vicious... eat MCs all day, mmmmm, delicious)

1 comment:

conceptgoulash said...

I was looking over what I just posted and I noticed Voldemort is holding out five fingers :) Sure enough, the poster for Goblet of Fire has a "4" in there, too. I never thought of them as sequels, so I never looked for the number of the movie in the posters before :P
