What's in the Goulash?

What's in the Goulash?
A mixture of different artists stirred in a pot and coming out mmm... mmmmmm delicious

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Original Capcom Character part 2

Interesting idea.

Here's an original piece for you guys.  Gorin High gets a new recruit.  His style is slam it in your face every chance he gets.  While he nicknames himself as "Ace" others call him "Suicide Yamada" for putting his body in constant risk.  

Yeah.  I came up with that on the fly. I wonder who my inspiration could have been :-)

K. Fujita


Incomparable Brian Charles said...

Awesome! I would have done a basketball player, but I'm more a fan of Major than Slam Dunk.

Bit-Sake said...

this would of probably come off cooler if you put him in a warm up instead of the jersey great running dribble pose though

conceptgoulash said...

yeah. I think I should have tried to push out the arm sleeve a little. The line weight also killed me but that's a risk with doing it straight PS and blurry brushes.

Bit-Sake said...

not sure what happened 2 my comment but this give me a chance to say something diffrent lol...i would like to see this with some colors on it