While I was working on this, it reminded me of how I thought Futurama was gonna be just like Cowboy Bebop when people first started talking about it. Upon further reflection, I've come to the conclusion that the two shows are almost identical (aside from one being an american comedy cartoon and the other being a japanese action cartoon).
-Brian C.
THIS is jawesome man everyone is honestly coming up with crazy stuff this whole post topic has been a treat
Austacular! Nice surprise to see you out of your element, a different style!
This idea is real cool, but the only thing I wonder is WHY did it have to be a mix from a cartoon with an ugly @ss cartoon style??! Why!
Jae Sahm
Lol, I know, I feel so dirty drawing in the Simpsons style!
My original idea was Bart Simpson in the Disney style, but I couldn't pull it off well enough :(
i love it. never thought to mesh those to things together. nice.
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