What's in the Goulash?

What's in the Goulash?
A mixture of different artists stirred in a pot and coming out mmm... mmmmmm delicious

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Just Playing Around

I was using Kingdom Hearts as reference and this is the end result. I was told that boys do not have big zippers in their crotch area, so I guess I will have to make a mental note of that. Of course, I put my own spin on things. I'm not that good at drawing males and it's something that I am working on. On the bright side, at least this one looks like a guy!

meow ^_^


Bit-Sake said...

Your girly boys are getting better you should post the color version of this soon. And I still stand by my word a guy shouldn't have a zipper going in between his legs

channa said...

Good to see you getting that pencil moving!

-Darque Lotus- C.

Incomparable Brian Charles said...

Still very girly-lookin' but drawn well. Gj, TS!

conceptgoulash said...

I really like the fashion sense you put to your characters. But yes, PLEASE get rid of that zipper!

Jae Sahm

Unknown said...

cynical bastids! I personally don't see anything wrong with the zipper, but if I must. I mean... I wasn't thinking anything raunchy when I designed it. Hell, I may even start a fashion trend! So, take that! WHEEEEEEEE!