For those of you who know me well ur familiar that i go retarded whenever a paint brush goes into my hand...well i'm tryin to ease back into it with water color so...all u beast out there ur pointers/crits would be well appreciated
-The Don Scorpio-
it's good to see you using another medium to express your colour needs. both of them are great and the only issue i have is with the yellow used for the skin. (it was probably the only thing to use, so it can be overlooked. i suggest you explore more colour, play around with different style and let loose the colour beast inside). Very fab job overall. Can't wait til you get more colours to play around with.
sweet. the thing that really grabs my attention is your use of those white specular shines. very tastefully used and not over done. brings out the rest.
looks a little too saturated. Hard part about water color is that it's so hard to control. You should not put so much because it'll start to have that "soaked" look. Keep it like. Look at the color pages of the manga "Vagabond" to see how Inuoue does it. Also Jim Lee's watercolors in the Batman "Hush" series are worth looking into.
Thanks all I definitely Had fun doing it and i see where your coming from with the to much saturation Kut I'd actually like to meet up with any body on a free weekend and study some brush techniques under them any takers?
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