What's in the Goulash?

What's in the Goulash?
A mixture of different artists stirred in a pot and coming out mmm... mmmmmm delicious

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Naruto's Sai redesign

I attempted a Naruto contest a while back which I didn't get a chance to finish (That damn life thing gets in the way too often).  Here's one of my initial designs for it.  I posted this because it was this attempt that really start solidifying the final concept. 

K. Fujita


conceptgoulash said...

You still gave him that gay mid drift shirt!

Jae Sahm

conceptgoulash said...

so? that's part of his original character design and I felt it was nice to keep so that it would maintain that point of contention. And I bet you all the young boys will be doing that soon anyway...if not already.