What's in the Goulash?

What's in the Goulash?
A mixture of different artists stirred in a pot and coming out mmm... mmmmmm delicious

Friday, August 1, 2008

Ghost Rider 2099 concept

I am working on a 3D version of this character for a contest on gameartisan.org

Here's my initial redesign of an old Marvel character, Ghost Rider 2099. I use to love this character and I hated how they treated him towards the end. I've tweek it since then but this will give you the basic idea of the overall design.

K. Fujita


Bit-Sake said...

I gotta tell you chief this piece is pretty cool i really like your gray scale marker render...and i honestly would of never figured you for a fan of ghostrider 2099

conceptgoulash said...

Digging the marker render. Would love to see more of it. And your proportions have improved.

Jae Sahm

conceptgoulash said...

Marker bending on this pic is outstanding dude. Keep it up and make sure u post that 3D version whenva its finished :)