So Crystal and I were talking one day about how uncool females dwarves always come out. Situations like that become personal character design challenges to me... I become obsessed. So, the first thing I thought to do, was to try for some femininity. Went with wide hips, deep cleveage and an exposed belly button. Also, the battle-quilt idea is something I've been dying to try out. The armor had to be a bit clunky, so I decided to try some huge shoulder pads. Please excuse my lazy-ass coloring... just wanted to show the kind of scheme I envisioned.
I like the design especially the wideness of it and the face has this great amazon feel...i think it would come off cooler if the war skirt was not so long and showed off some sexy dwarf legs it would give that nice sexy warrior feel that's what i think anyways......
egh i'm gonna be nice and say i hate it cus of the colors. c'mon chizzle you know I'm a fan and i never intentionally wanna hate on your stuff but this is way boring on many levels. i could go on but you know this isn't something your proud of , dont make me the bad guy here i jsut want to see you doing your best stuff that i know you can do. this is like ron lim when you are normally mark bagley ,yeah i went there
Funny you should say that... I'm quite proud of this one. Whenever I draw something that I really like, no one else gets it. People always tend to like the stuff that takes me like 10 seconds and has a really dynamic pose, but whenever I draw something like this where i spend like an hour trying to get the subtle twist in her hip, or the thickness of the body, nobody notices. Does that happen with you guys, too?
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