Your jedi first name is the 1st 3 letters of your 1st name, and 1st 2 letters of your last name. Your Jedi Last Name is the 1st 2 letters of your mothers maiden name and the 1st 3 letters of the town/city you were born in. Your Sith name is normally something Dark sounding yet descipitive of that person......My Jedi Name: Henwi Baeas My Sith Name: Darth Kame
I can see that your schwartz is as big a mine! o_0
you made him look like a ninja turtle :(
Pretty cool. You make me want to do a self Jedi piece.
I'm inspired, I think I want to join the darkside... Do they have benefits?
"...Spread your Awesomeness[!]..." Sun Tzu | egad apparel | t-shirt blog
YES! I likey, makes me wanna do a self jedi piece too. Maybe I shall!!!
I havta admit though henrock, the ninja turtle comment is pretty funny,
u could pass for one-lol!
Thanks all and for all who saw the turtlism ur spot on lol....and jae and bert i would love to see ur jeds and siths
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