Hey Yall the last month and a half have have been completely exhausting so i'm sorry about my lack of posting....movin right along jae came up with this nifty idea for ground up to offer free sketches on the front page of our deviant account so far i had 2 requests sent to me war machine and moonkinght lemme know what yall think
...What makes it a "free" sketch?
Anyway, its cool. Brian Charles Seal of Approval.
We mail it out to the requester free of charge :)
Yo henrock, its great pencils!!! Not sure about the pose, feels constipated, lol. Just a thought.
Good Work Bro!!!
Thanks BertBro an fully agreed War machine is either bound up or trying to hold it until the end of the battle lol
Is that Moon Knight I see!? Awesome! Moon Knight is one of favorite not so main stream characters.
You get +10 cool points and 1 hard core hell yeah!
Adrian Davis | egad apparel
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