What's in the Goulash?
A mixture of different artists stirred in a pot and coming out mmm... mmmmmm delicious
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Come to Purim!

I'm celebrating Purim this year in Pittsburgh and you're all invited. I even made a flyer just so I'd have some new art to show on the blog :P
Purim is... well, its an obscure Jewish holiday based on the events of the book of Esther in the Bible. I'm sure you can google it if you need to know specifics, but the basic idea is that the Jews triumphed over their advesaries and in celebration of this event you are to get so intoxicated that you forget the difference between good and evil (that tickles me every time I say it).
Anyway, the details are on the flyer. As a side note, there's also supposed to be a Black Mass. Google it. If you think your personal JC hang-ups are gonna be a downer for anyone, stay yo ass home.
One more thing! There's a new art store in Philly called "Blick". It has sketchbooks with ACTUAL white paper AND .13 Rapidographs! I've been without those things for a long long time and it was really starting to effect my ginormous art ego... But now I got some good supplies I fel like the old Brian again :)
Friday, February 27, 2009
Free Sketches

Monday, February 23, 2009
More Cowboy sketches
Sunday, February 22, 2009
On their way

Ground Up Studios has been developing a fan foundation, and it seems like it shows, as now the company shows up in Google organic searching with decent-sized results. This is no doubt due to all the fan support, collaborations, and more importantly been hitting their grind. Google search the studio to find some interviews they have done. They do want to express their thanks to everyone for their support, and maybe just maybe their journey to studio stardom won't be such a long ways off. Thank you to all.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Your weekly iPhone hotness
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Ground Up Studios @ NY Con
(the diet short and sweet so you can draw, write, color, ink, 3D, paint, photograph, cook, best art you ever create with a cold summary)
No sleep for Ground Up. Woke up at 4a.m. Septa bus then blue line to Greyhound. Greyhound bus departed at 7a.m. 2 hours sleep on bus. Arrived at Port Authority NY bus station. We ventured to hotel in extreme cold. Got lost. NY roads are weird. Spent 1 hour or so looking for hotel. Checked in hotel, extremely late for con.
Walked to Javis Center. Hotel was few blocks away and cheap! Extremely crowded in convention. Long line to wait for badges. Got to our booth. Shared with Xion Group. Booth table was tiny. Booth NEVER again. Too pricey for only a piece of cloth. Had to pay extra for another table. Very frustrating. Our prints from Terry didn't come in first day. Only Tess and Sean had prints to sell. Made Henry walk on his solo mission.Very frustrating, did I say that? Henry and Jerald ventured out. They saw what con had to offer. They came back. Elisa made a surprise visit. She brought her friends. The overall day was slow.
Special presentation of DC's new Wonder Woman movie. Sean and Jerald went to see it with Elisa and friends. Bruce Timm was there. He and panel of creators spoke to fans. Sean and Jerald got back to hotel late. Tess and Henry were knocked out. Tess woke. Henry was dead. Henry's socks stink. Hotel was nice and clean and cheap!
Next day. Tess and Sean departed for convention. Henry and Jerald arrived a little later. Ground Up received prints from Terry. Jerald darted off to accompany Elisa get Bruce Timm autograph. Elisa showed her Harley Quinn drawing to BT. Bruce gave two thumbs up. Ground Up Studios had a podcast interview to go to. Shawn Alleyne held down fort. Interview went really well. Black Chun Li and black Robin were there. Later Ground Up had another interview with C TV. Tess wasn't able to participate in that one. Great to see a surprise visit from Leilani. She's been quite busy creating an art revolution!
Ground Up Studios was like celebrities. The FF7 girls, Aeris and Tifa, wanted picture with Sean. Sean can't disappoint fans especially ones with cake. Speaking of treats, forgot to mention Ground Up Studios and Xion Group had a healthy does of Ko-Kane. Ko-Kane was right in front of the booth. Sean bought Robotech toys. Transformable. He kept losing pieces to it. The power was too much for him. After party after con. Henry could not go. Tess, Sean, and Jerald darted off for it. Hard to find place, even for locals. After party was no party, so Tess, Sean, and Jerald went after food. Yoshinoya good eats, cheap price.
Final day. Was hectic. Sales went well. Lots of costumes out. Last day for artbook purchasing,etc. Capcom Tribute book whackkk! Don't buy. Sorry Shawn. Sanford Greene and Keron artbook amazing. Shawn and Jerald saw Kelly's sketchbook. Kelly is a closet sketch monster. Don't be fooled by her presence. She is amazing. She has show coming up in April. She and Elisa are partner duo a project. Anticipating that. Day ended. Pack up. A pain. Ground Up Studios with Camal and Rufus went to bus station. Headed back to Philly where the cabs DON'T have tvs buit in.
Friday, February 13, 2009
1up mushroom
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Sketch Battle: Henchman!