Okay, I am so running out of time!!! I wanted to do some more fan art, but my deadline is tomorrow. I have to finish up a Power Girl, a Poison Ivy and I may not have time to finish my Naruto piece. AAAAHHHGGG! Not for lack of trying. I guess I shouldn't be so sour. I did manage to pull out 10 images for print... Will post more when I remember or when I get time... with me, it's which ever comes first.
Note: The first image is of the Black Canary. She's a little ghetto to me, but, meh... And the second one is the dude from the Watchmen. Never read it yet, but heard some good stuff. Please let me know what you think. (Tried something new on the colours for Ink Blot dude.) Yo, see if you can find the G-UP sign in Ink Blot's face!
Looky at baby rorschach. Isn't he cute. Good job on the pint sized detective. Yeah, I'm not feeling the canary, it almost looks old. Not her, but the pic overall. Almost like a xerox of a xerox.
Chibi Rorchach is pretty cool, I wonder what he'll sound like.
Adrian Davis | egad apparel
thanks for the comments. I can't wait to see/read the watchmen. and I hope the canary sells as prints. idk but someone said to still go with it, so, i am...
Great!, post pics of the event when you get back. I'm interested and I'll be watching out for an update (I have concept goulash feed on my blog)
Adrian Davis | egad apparel blog
Baby schach is the bees knees and stop hatin on canarisha shes cute
LMAO!! I carnisha! i feel so bad for Olie... he don't know what he got himself into...
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