a while back I created this series called generic super hero it was basically a comedy with way over the top action...I def had a lot of fun with the designs and would love to revisit it one day
On yesterday's post i showed a redesigned character so today i figured i'd show the original design that the new design came from I can Haz bad Grammar?
not too long ago me, King Tate, Sir Kut, and Mario the Don were working together to put out a story sadly that didn't happen but here's the cover i did showing everyone's cool ass characters
Never On Time is the 1st anthology that was put out by Groundup studios the 3 pages I'm posting are from Star Angel story I penciled created By Brian Charles, and colored by Ashley Woods sooooo fun it was
it seems popular in manga comics these days to throw psycho eyes into characters these days so i wanted to try it out.....and trull is an amazon viking barbarian chick thingee go figure
Inframan is one of the old japanese action tv characters who fought giant rubber monsters and had a very creative and colorful rouge gallery it was a lot of fun to bring his design into the modern age
Hey everyone Its been quite a drought but many thanks to kut for keepin this blog alive as my 1 st post back i decided to post my dinoman from the same drawing jam that Jae participated in