So since I get a new scanner tomorrow, the only thing I have to post is some raw scans I had sitting around my hard drive. From left to right...
NEMESIS: After graduating middle school, I was accepted to the prestigious Arts High School in Newark, NJ. AHS was a lot like Hogwarts for artists. An amazing experience, I don't mind saying. Anyway, At 14, i was a sort of underdeveloped Jim Lee clone. Exposure to different forms of character art was extremely limited for me since I lived in a dangerous neighborhood and couldn't get out much. The guys who really expanded my horizons when I got to Arts High Were Alexander Romirez Jr & Brett Rhynes. Long-winded story, I know, but its really a meaningless sketch without the explaination. The two of them had concocted a vast superhero universe with Ideas that seemed unbelievably creative to me. I used to try to draw their characters, but creatively, I held back and Alex would always say things like "Come on, Brian. Push it! Be more extreme." Slowly i got looser with my ideas and drawings, but I could never quite nail their main villain. His name was Nemesis. Sort of a Darksied type character with a demon mythos. He had bull horns... Huge bull horns. Every year I take a stab at this character, and I think I've finally gotten it right :)
Batman...Bruce Batman: Sometimes I do fanart, just to show how something would look in "my style". In fact, I think thats how we create an artistic identity. So the Question was "How would Brian Charles do batman" this sketch is a part of that answer.
Vagrant: Henry asked me to design a female character for his superhero team which is sort of an homage to the X-men. One of the things Hen and I have a mutual appriciation for is Jim Lee's Rogue (flying powerhouse-type). When i got down to drawing it though, I started to think of other unique things that Henry and I like and eventually, she became a Samoan wrestling styled flying juggernaught.
Girl working the register at Border cafe: What can I say? Nerdy chicks make me hot.
Cutiehunee: This is a drawing of one of my World of Warcraft characters Crystal and I are working on for Henry's next artbook. Crys has been lazily working on the colors and hopefully she'll post the work in progress for you guys.
Well, that's it for me. Hen say's he'll post a topic suggestion for this week, so I'll post again then.
See you, space cowboy...